The key to leadership is influence and
not authority


Building leadership capacity at different levels is mission critical for all organizations. People Transition to Leadership Roles through various career stages. Each stage has unique challenges associated with it & people need to be supported to make this transition. CEOs and Organizations continue to seek newer ways to develop leaders and effectiveness metrics. Targeted solutions for varying requirements include Coaching, Customized Leadership Interventions and Development Frameworks.


We strongly believe that Coaching is essentially a development process and not a differently labelled individual assessment. Deriving value from Coaching requires a genuine commitment to nurturing individual growth.

Our Solutions include

  • Executive

    Helping leaders extend their influence, introspect, tweak their style to craft a leadership persona, vision that is compelling and authentic is the hallmark of our approach
  • Hi Potential

    Our expertise, based on enduring psychological research helps us Assess and Develop Potential in an objective and constructive manner. Our clients find this especially useful in Planning their High Potential Journey
  • Group

    Interventions at Senior, Middle Management levels and for Teams provide an opportunity for collective learning through experience sharing and validation
  • Developing
    Internal Coaches

    Research on the crucial role played by Middle Managers clearly demonstrates the financial impact of their effectiveness. Developing coaching skills through intensive, hands-on practice supported by experts is a benchmarked best practice for enhancing critical engagement levers and managerial effectiveness.
  • Leadership

    Supporting Leaders ease in to expanded roles, different geographies, acclimatising to diverse cultures, teams and drive complex agendas

Customized Leadership Interventions

High intensity interventions in Developing & Leading Teams, Emotional Intelligence, Decision Making, Developing Strategic Acumen are some of the core offerings. Our online 360 Degree Feedback Tool is integrated with these and provides overall and individual reports. We customize our programs as per requirements, these can be run as part of Leadership Development Journeys or stand-alone Programs.

Functional Competency Framework

In our experience, there are two main approaches to Functional Skill Frameworks – The first is outcome oriented, defining the abilities and skills that must be demonstrated at specific levels, while the second approach is process oriented, defining process steps of increasing complexity that require to be performed at specific levels. Context determines which one would be best suited for a given requirement,

We support clients with

  • Building Functional
    Competency Framework
    contextualized as per
  • Upskilling Line Managers
    & HR Teams on application
    & assessments
  • Aligning Competency
    Framework with other
    key HR Systems

Behavioural Competency Framework

With numerous Competency Dictionaries readily available, free of charge online, we work to customize and contextualize what would be best suited for your organization while integrating it with other HR Systems – Talent Management, Capability Building, Assessments